
Nicole talks about introducing Social Entrepreneurship in School

26 Nov 2016 | Angelopedia

The beautiful Nicole Cordoves of Philippines has won many hearts when she won the 1st runner up place at a the Miss Grand International 2016 position on 25th October this year in Las Vegas, USA. The beauty may have not won the title but she is surely carrying forward its purpose to Stop War and Violence. She recently went to Makati Hope Christian School and met with class 12 students to talk about a very innovative idea..
Nicole Cordoves has said this a few times during her pageant journey that she would want ‘Social Entrepreneurship’ to be introduced in High Schools, to teach children values of kindness, technical aspects such as organisational development, and introduce them to a world which needs help and show them the way in which they can be helped.
The Makati Hope Christian School and the class 12 students were quite impressed by the plan. They shared thoughts, ideas, and discussed suggestions gave by each other during the meet. Nicole Cordoves now wants this idea to be accepted at many schools to start a new trend of teaching and learning those values which inspire children to think beyond their life and help others.

Nicole talks about introducing Social Entrepreneurship in School