Miss Grand United States is the annual official preliminary competition to select the representative who will compete as USA for Miss Grand International. Representatives from different states of USA are crowned who further represent their individual state at the national finale of Miss Grand United States.
In addition to the title, the winner is awarded following benefits -
•Winner competes at the Miss Grand International Pageant representing the United States of America
•Airfare to the Miss Grand International's host country
•Visa fees paid to the host country of the Miss Grand International
•Travel insurance paid for to the Miss Grand International
•Custom made wardrobe (final gown, interview, 1 cocktail gown and official portraits gown) from VL Designs
•3 Swimsuits
•Miss Grand United States Official Crown
• Miss Grand United States National Rhinestone Sash
•Preparation Classes for International Competition (speech, runway, hair and makeup classes)
•Official photoshoot as Miss Grand United States by Taurus Studio
•Official autograph cards to use at appearances as Miss Grand United States
•Travel allowance of $500 during her year as Miss Grand United States
•Airfare to the host city of Miss Grand United States
•Hotel accommodations at the host city when she gives up her title to her successor
Taylor Kessler was crowned Miss Grand California 2017.
Michelle Leon was crowned as Miss Grand United States 2016.