Nepal made its debut win in Miss Cosmopolitan World pageant on Friday night as Priya Rani Lama was crowned Miss Cosmopolitan World 2019. Priya defeated 31 other contestants to win the international crown as she succeeds and was crowned by Miss Cosmopolitan World 2018, So-yeon Lim from Korea. The finale was held at Marriott Putrajaya Hotel in Malaysia.
Priya is 28 years of age and is a TV Host, choreographer and an actress. Not only did the Nepali beauty perform extremely well at the finale, she also stood as first runner-up in the Talent competition and also won the national costume competition.
She is also not new to the pageantry as she was a part of Face of Beauty International 2018 where she placed in the Top 20. She has also been a part of Miss Nepal, not only once but twice. In 2010 Priya competed in Miss Nepal and back again in 2015 she made her second appearance in Miss Nepal 2015.
The newly crowned queen’s court included - 1st runner-up – Chai Xin Tze, aka Christine Chai (Malaysia), 2nd runner-up – Marit Beets (Netherlands), 3rd runner-up – Clarisa Maye Presa Isidro (Philippines) and 4th runner-up – Yekaterina Veinberger (Russia).
(Photo Credits: Priya Rani Lama Facebook)
The rest of the Top 12 semi-finalists were the beauties from Australia, Finland, Lithuania, Hong Kong, Czech Republic, Myanmar and Moldova.
Miss Cosmopolitan World is a beauty pageant held since 2015 and headquartes in Malaysia. Held under the ownership of Amelia Liew, the pageant emphasises on Empowering Women around the world.
Congratulations to the newly crowned queen.