
Miss Earth 2018 Top 4 Question and Answer Round

03 Nov 2018 | Angelique Reyes

Before the announcement of the winners who would reign as Miss Earth 2018 titleholders for the next year, the Top 4 finalists had to go through a very difficult question and answer round that would determine their titles during the conclusion of the event.


Miss Earth 2018 Top 4 Question and Answer Round


The common question that was asked to all the delegates was, “Being a millennial, what do you think is the pressing issue of your generation?” All the contestants were given just 30 seconds to answer the question, so they had to be precise and to the point.

Following were the answers given by the Top 4 delegates in order of appearance -

Miss Earth Colombia 2018 Valeria Ayos

According to her, the most pressing issue faced by the generation is that we all have the possibility to have a voice and to be heard. We can spread awareness about the current environmental issues and worries through social media, which is the most common platform. She then went on to say that she is very proud to be a millennial as she feels that we are all empowered and we can share our message to the world.


Miss Earth 2018 Top 4 Question and Answer Round


Miss Earth Mexico 2018 Melissa Flores

Melissa expressed her views on the pressing issues that the millennial generation facing by saying that as a woman born the 90s, there have been many controversies surrounding technology. Melissa said that we need to use it correctly to send out the right message to the society, to be good influencers and advisors to the new generation.


Miss Earth Austria 2018 Melanie Mader

Melanie’s concern about the pressing issue that is faced by the millennials is that we tend to not pay attention to what is happening around the world because of all the technologies that we are using, like the social media. She then presents a solution to the issue by saying that we can use social media in a positive way by spreading awareness on what is happening in the environment and by doing that, everyone will come to speed about what is happening, thus leading to the creation of a better future not only for human beings, but for all living creatures in the world.


Miss Earth 2018 Top 4 Question and Answer Round


Miss Earth Vietnam 2018 Phuong Khánh Nguyen

Phuong said that the most pressing issue of this generation is our ignorance. According to her, we have this amazing weapon, the social media and we just care about ourselves. Phuong then presents a solution by saying that we should spend the time to think and feel about what is happening on Earth right now. She then goes on to say that one small action multiplied by a million people can help form the ideal world.