Miss Grand Czech Republic 2018 Kristýna Langová is all set to represent her country at the upcoming Miss Grand International 2018. The 19-year-old student is a sports lover and has been preparing her level best to perform well at the international competition.
But before that, she finds time to talk about her dreams, passion and even her guilty pleasures in an exclusive interview with Angelopedia.
Q. How does it feel to be Miss Grand Czech Republic 2018 and now a delegate of Miss Grand International 2018?
It's an honor for me to represent my country in the Miss Grand International and I’m also really happy and excited to go to Myanmar.
Q. What is the best lesson you’ve learnt in your journey as the delegate of Miss Czech Republic?
Nothing like the best lesson doesn’t exist, because everything what I’ve ever learnt is the most important to be the lady.
Q. What is the one thing that keeps you going and inspires you to be the best version of yourself?
It’s only my family who keeps me awake and inspires me to make them more proud.

Q. How would you like to represent yourself at the international stage of Miss Grand International 2018?
I would like to represent myself like smart young lady.
Q. Who is your ideal, if any and what values of theirs do you wish you could inculcate in your own life, and teach the next generation?
I don’t have any.
Q. If you could be invisible for a day, how would you like to spend it?
If I would be invisible for a day, I would go to some beautiful country where I would walk throw every famous place fast without waiting.

Q. Would you like to share your most special childhood memory with us?
My favourite childhood memory is when I was doing gymnastics and I wasn’t good, all the time I fell down from everything. But one day it changed and my trainer sent me to competition which I won, so it was the happiest time what I remember.
Q. What or who empowers you to be yourself and work hard every day?
This is very similar question to question number 3 so, still it’s my family and also my boyfriend.
Q. What is the one thing you can label as your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is chocolate and candy for sure.

Q. We’re sure that this competition is another milestone in your life. What is that one thing that you ultimately want to achieve?
I want to be a person who built something and other people will know about me and what I’ve done.
Q. If you are granted 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?
First I would ask for health for my mom, second I would ask for satisfaction for all of the people in the world, because then nobody would want to make a war. And the last wish would be for me to have the dreamed life which I want.
Q. Lastly, is there any message that you would like to give to your fans of Angelopedia?
I wish to all my fans lot of health and happiness, because these are the most important things which we need. Thank you all for support me.