
Alyssa Boston crowned Miss Supranational Canada 2018

30 Jul 2018 | Irina Silva

Miss World Canada 2018 held its grand coronation night on 28th July 2018 where fifty-five Canadian divas competed for the national title. Also at the finale, the first runner-up Alyssa Boston was crowned Miss Supranational Canada 2018 who will now represent Canada at Miss Supranational 2018.

From Ontario, Alyssa has completed her studies from the University of Windsor. The Canadian beauty gave a wonderful performance at Miss World Canada 2018 where she awarded the title of 1st Princess. Alyssa is not new to the pageant world as she competed at Miss Eco International 2018 and placed in Top15 finalists at Talent Round.


Alyssa Boston crowned Miss Supranational Canada 2018

       (Photo Credits: Alyssa Boston Facebook Official)

On her crowning, Alyssa took to her official social media expressing her feelings in an emotional post, “Miss Supranational Canada 2018!!!!!! Ahhhhh I cannot believe I get to represent Canada at one of the top 5 international pageants later this year in POLAND. Let's bring home the crown to Canada!”

Alyssa also thanked everyone who was a part of her journey at Miss World Canada 2018. She wrote, “Thank you to Miss World Canada organization and Michelle Weswaldi for putting together such an amazing pageant. Thanks to all the sponsors who made this event possible, and for the ones that made me feel beautiful, Debbie Carroll Design, Dry Parlour Inc. Congrats to all the delegates that competed, you are all queens!!! Thank you to my coaches Amber Bernachi and Michelle Louise for preparing me, and to my friends and family who always support me.”

Miss World Canada 2018 finale also saw the crowning of Hanna Begovic as the newly crowned Miss World Canada 2018 and Alice Li as Miss Intercontinental Canada 2018.