
Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray on what defines a leader

25 Feb 2021 | Camilla Suarez

During a live interview with G3 San Diego on 22nd February 2021, Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray stated that one’s capacity for leadership is not determined by gender but by character and skills. This statement was in response to the remarks made by President Rodrigo Duterte that women are not suitable to be president because they are emotionally different from men.

Catriona was asked about her opinion on the same when she mentioned, "I don’t think your capacity to be a leader is determined by your gender. I think it’s defined by the capabilities, skills, and talent that you have – your experience, your character. I think all those play part to be a good leader. It is not dependent on one’s gender at all.”



On 14th January 2021, President Duterte during his speech stated that women are not cut for a job of being the president of the country when people urged his daughter Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, to run for the highest post in 2022. Duterte has also repeatedly belittled the capability of Vice President Leni Robredo to succeed him, claiming that the opposition leader is "weak" and not fit to seek the presidency.

Before Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray was asked about her view on the remarks made by the President, Miss Universe Philippines 2020 Rabiya Mateo responded to the same question where she mentioned that she disagrees with his statement and added that women are equally capable as men to run or handle a nation. Rabiya also referred to the late president Cory Aquino and former president Gloria Arroyo along with mentioning Prime Minister Jacinta Adern of New Zealand who she mentioned that is rearing a newborn while leading a nation in the middle of a pandemic.



The Filipina queens; Catriona and Rabiya are known for their constant efforts for empowering and inspiring women across the world. The two have worked and are still working at their respective pace and beliefs to make sure that there are young woman and children in their community who are not afraid to follow their dreams.