Miss Costa Rica 2015 finale which concluded over weekend is back yet again, well this time with a plate full of controversy. As Brenda Castro was crowned as the winner, there seem to be some kind of distress and disappointment creeping in from the runner-up, Nicole Carboni.
Well in almost every pageant, we come across someone who claims that the pageant was rigged, that the delegates were not given fair and equal treatment and visible disappointment to an extent where a fellow contestant is seen snatching the crown off the winner. Well all said and done, coming back to the Miss Costa Rica controversy, the contestant in question at present is Nicole Carboni Renault. After the lady got selected as the runner-up for the Miss Cost Rica 2015 pageant, it seems that the results did not go well with her as visible by her Facebook post which said, “I will say, without any reservations, that this pageant was rigged. I also believe that Miss Costa Rica deserves something better. For this reason, I will not heed to the threats made against me in exchange for not telling the truth. I am an honest woman with values and principles, and that is why I need to tell it like it is.”

Carboni has won various events in the Latin American fitness tournament circuit, including MuscleMania Prestige. She is also an activist dedicated to the humane treatment of animal companions. The reaction to her Facebook post by Teletica was immediate, and was published by some entertainment reporter of online news daily CRHoy.com, who quoted a spokesperson from the network as saying: “We don’t have anything to say to such inexplicable statements that have no basis.”
Nicole retained two attorneys and sat with them for several hours after her conspiracy allegation. Bothe the lawyers recommended that she remain silent for the time being.