In a momentous event for Kyrgyzstan, Mary Kuvakova has been crowned Miss Universe Kyrgyzstan 2024. At the age of 22, this captivating young woman from Bishkek is ready to take her place on the global stage as she prepares to compete in the 74th Miss Universe pageant in 2025.
Mary’s ascent to the Miss Universe Kyrgyzstan title is a testament to her remarkable journey and unwavering dedication. Hailing from the vibrant capital city of Bishkek, she has emerged as a beacon of hope and empowerment. Her background in social work and active involvement in community initiatives highlight her commitment to making a positive impact on society.
Before earning the crown, Mary was well-regarded for her advocacy work and passion for cultural representation. Her efforts to uplift and support young women in Kyrgyzstan have made her a role model and an inspiration to many.
As Mary steps into the spotlight, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for her journey ahead. We are confident that her grace, intelligence, and dedication will shine brightly at the Miss Universe pageant. Mary Kuvakova’s representation of Kyrgyzstan promises to be a proud and memorable moment for the nation.
Congratulations, Mary, on this incredible achievement! We eagerly await your participation in the Miss Universe 2025 pageant and wish you every success in your quest to bring home the crown.