She is from Canada, and she is the new Miss Eco International 2017 Amber Bernachi. Standing tall at 5’5”, Amber is a confident, independent woman who believes anything and everything is possible with a strong vision and positive approach. Amber has a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Windsor. She has also earned three other degrees; Honours Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts: Political Science and Bachelor of Education, from the University of Windsor.
We tried to fish out more details about the gorgeous Canadian beauty. So, below is the transcript of the interview with Miss Eco International 2017 Amber Bernachi. Slide down to know more about the beauty…
Q. Congratulations on being crowned as Miss Eco International 2017! When was the moment when you actually realize that you are a beauty queen now?
Thank you! The moment I truly realized I was a beauty queen was when I spoke to my family back home in Canada and shared my moment with them. They were so proud and happy for me so it was great to be able to share it with them right after leaving the stage. Once you are called as the winner everything happens so quickly, the crowning, the sash, all the pictures and then immediate interviews. It’s hard to collect your thoughts and describe your actual feelings about winning when you haven’t even had a moment to take it all in! It was definitely a surreal moment hearing my country “Canada” called as the winner. I always give my best performance on stage but to win the title was still an amazing surprise. I have worked so hard for this moment that when it actually happens it is hard to grasp the full effect of it. I am extremely happy to have represented my country so well and to have brought home an international crown and title.
Q. What qualities of a queen do you believe you have always had in you?
The desire to give back and make a positive impact in the lives of others. I have always made it a priority in my life to help others as often as I can. More specifically I believe I am committed, confidently beautiful, well-mannered, well spoken with a positive outlook on life.
Q. What inspired you to walk on the course of beauty pageants?
I always admired the poise and elegance of a beauty queen. They are always so captivating to watch on stage but what really struck me, even more, is how accomplished all these women are. They all have a story to share or something unique about them. Most of these women are earning degrees, following their dreams and pursuing their passions. They are all inspiring in their own way and are making a difference in the world. I wanted to be like them and be able to share my story as well. I want to be a role model and an example of the importance of education and pursuing your dreams.
Q. Did you face any moment of disappointment with yourself during the pageant journey, and how did you overcome it?
In some pageants I have been in, there were times when I didn't think I was as fully prepared as I would have liked to have been, however, you learn quickly that you can’t change the past and you just learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future. Every pageant is different and they are all learning experiences. I have learned so much about myself and about other women and that has truly given me so much perspective on my journey, which I am very thankful for. There are of course little moments here and there that I wish I could have changed, maybe a certain walk on stage or an answer during interviews but we are all human and we are bound to make mistakes. I believe timing is everything and if your plans don't work out the first time or the second it is because there is something greater for you in your future, so you just keep trying. We are only given what we can handle at any point in our lives. I think this moment was meant for me and there was a reason for all the things that happened along the way, leading me to it.
Q. What is the most memorable moment during the Miss Eco International 2017 journey?
Besides winning the title my most memorable moment during my time spent it Egypt was learning about the Egyptian culture. Visiting the pyramids has been on my bucket-list for quite some time now so it was truly overwhelming to see them and admire their beauty. I love learning about new cultures and experiencing what each country has to offer and Egypt has so much natural beauty. From snorkelling off the coast of Sharm El Sheikh in the Red Sea to shopping in the local bazars, to riding a camel, Egypt is a country that has something for everyone. I was very lucky to have this opportunity to visit four Egyptian cities with inspiring women from all around the world.
Q. How would you inspire those who are deemed not beautiful or not perfectly shaped?
I am a true believer that beauty is not limited to physical attributes but rather how you treat others and what you can do to make the world a better place. Beauty is found in those with the most genuine smiles and selfless hearts. It is important to be confident and believe in yourself and make the best life possible not only for you but for those around you. We have one life and it should be spent enjoying each day and being grateful for what we have. Life is not about who is the most beautiful or perfectly shaped, it is about the moments we spend with the people we love and how we treat those around us. And ultimately this is what shines through on stage, this is what people will connect to and admire in you.

Q. If you were anything but a human, what would it be and why?
If I wasn't a human I would want to be a dolphin. When I was younger, I was on a cruiseship with my family and I saw dolphins jumping together, close to the ship, when we were in the middle of the ocean and I remember thinking to myself how different life would be under the sea. There must be so much beauty and areas to explore, much of which humans haven’t even discovered yet. There is something so natural and lovable about their energy that really attracts me to them. To live life with no boundaries in the ocean seems like a great adventure!
Q. Would you like to share any dream or cherished moment of your childhood?
I was very fortunate to have such an amazing childhood and I don’t take anything for granted because of that. I am very lucky to have parents and a younger sister who all support me and have played such an important role in my life. So because of this I have so many cherished moments andI am proud to say many of my dreams and aspirations have come true. One dream of mine growing up was to represent my country internationally and a cherished moment of my childhood would be the time I spent in my nonna’s garden behind her house. I still remember the sweet taste of the fresh cherries and pears we picked from her fruit trees.
Q. What is the most important thing/person in your life, the thing/person you feel blessed to have?
I can’t choose one so I have to say my mom, dad and younger sister. Both my parents have made so many sacrifices for me and still continue to do. I am lucky to have a mom who has always been the first person to support me with anything I have taken on in my life, from school to pageants; she has always supported everything I’ve done. She is truly a selfless person. My mom has instilled in me the idea that I am capable of achieving anything and because of that and her supportshe has made me the woman I am today. I am so grateful for her positive influence in my life. My dad is an amazing person; he has done so much for us and always puts his family before himself. Even while he ran a business fulltime he still found time to come home and make delicious meals for us, every night. He always speaks well of people and I think that's a very important quality in a person. He always told us “If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all”. My sister is a true example of someone who is passionate and an advocate for what she believes in. She is an inspiring woman and always does everything with a kind heart. I have been blessed to have her as a younger sister who I seem to always look up to.
Q. Of these three which one superpower would you want to have for a day and how would you use it? 1) Be invisible, 2) Travel anywhere in a blink of an eye, 3) Change your appearance..?
Without a doubt I would choose to travel anywhere in a blink of an eye. The world is so big and I am always trying to plan my next trip to a new country. With over 195 countries in the world, to have the ability to travel in a blink of an eye would save me a lot of time spent in planes while trying to visit them all! I think I would do a tour of the world starting with some areas in Canada that I still want to see, like Lake Louise and Banff in Alberta and Whistler in British Columbia.
Q. Which one contestant did you secretly admire but feared would take away the crown this year, before the finale night?
The interesting thing about competing in pageants is you never really know who your competition is. It isn’t until you have spent some time with all the girls that you can begin to form your own idea of who is “competition”. However, every woman is there representing her country for a reason. They all have the ability to become the titleholder, so it is just a matter of who can show they are an all-around deserving contestant throughout their time leading up to the finals and who gives their best that night. It is really anyone’s game because you never really know what the judges are looking for. Miss Eco International has four primes leading up to the final night and I think it is very important to perform your best in all these areas of the competition. The girls who took first place in those four competitions all received the right to advance to top 20 and one in top 10. I definitely saw those women as my competition because they already had a spot in top 20. But it’s very important when you are in a competition to not focus on what everyone else is doing. You really just need to focus on yourself and know that you are capable of winning. When some girls are getting extra photoshoots or being interviewed, the other contestants think they are getting special treatment and have a better chance of winning, however, that's not the case. You need to stay focused on performing your best and never let anything negatively affect your mindset.
Q. If you were a judge of a beauty pageant, which qualities would you mark the contestants on?
Their kindness, confidence, grace and ability to proper articulate their final question on stage. I think a beauty queen is someone who is well versed in all aspects of the competition which includes being able to answer questions under pressure. All areas of the competition are important and you don't necessarily have to be the best at each one but the most well rounded individual has the advantage. A beauty queen should be a kind hearted woman who others can easily relate to and a role model that can inspire others. She should be someone who is confident but humble and is not afraid to show humility.
Q. How would you like to spend this year of your life as a beauty queen?
I would like to spend this year promoting ecotourism for Canada as well as Egypt. This title provides me with a platform to bring awareness to environmental issues that are a concern for everyone. It is not only the responsibility of our government to enforce rules and regulations to prevent further damage to our environment but also the responsibility of each person, as citizens of the world. Every small act we take has a profound impact in our world and every positive impact makes a difference. I am looking forward to working closely with the United Nations on specific missions and also fundraising and bringing awareness to their causes. This year I hope to visit many new countries and meet many people. I hope to be a worthy titleholder and do my part to make a positive impact in the lives of everyone I meet.
Q. What message would you like to give to your fans on Angelopedia?
I would like to thank all the fans who have messaged me and have been supportive throughout my journey to winning the crown. It is always nice to receive messages of encouragement and support. I hope that I have inspired people to follow their dreams and believe in themselves. The power you need to achieve your dreams starts with you. It is already in you. You are truly capable of accomplishing your goals if you are prepared, determined and confident in yourself. Always believe in the power of yourself first and then be prepared to take on new opportunities and new challenges.