Femina Miss India is one of the coveted pageants in India where the winners are selected to represent India in various international pageants like Miss World, Miss Grand International, and Miss United Continents. Femina Miss India recently conducted its North East state auditions on 31st March 2019 Fbb VK Trade Centre in Guwahati, Assam.
The panel of judges for Femina Miss India 2019 North East auditions included Mr World 2016 Rohit Khandelwal, fashion designer Nandini Baruva, Miss India Mizoram 2018 Lily Darnei, Miss India Assam 2018 Sunaina Kamath and Miss India Meghalaya 2018 Mary Khyriem. The contestants came in all prepared and tried to impress the judges with their beauty, grace, confidence and runway skills.
After the successful audition, eight gleaming beauties were adjudged as winners who will get a chance to represent their state in the national pageant of Femina Miss India 2019.
Here are the beautiful delegates who will represent their states in Miss India 2019 –
Femina Miss India Assam 2019 Jyotishmita Baruah

Femina Miss India Arunachal Pradesh 2019 Roshni Dada

Femina Miss India Mizoram 2019 Lalnunthari Rualhleng

Femina Miss India Sikkim 2019 Sang Doma Tamang

Femina Miss India Nagaland 2019 Marina Kiho

Femina Miss India Manipur 2019 Urmila Shagolsem

Femina Miss India Tripura 2019 Jayanti Reang

Femina Miss India Meghalaya 2019 Sangeeta Das

(Photo Credits: Femina Miss India Facebook/Official)
Angelopedia congratulates all the deserving winners and wishes them all the best for their future!