Geraldine Ponce Mendez, 21 years old hailing from Xalisco, Nayarit, was crowned Nuestra Belleza Nayarit 2015 on June 19,receiving the crown from Xitlaly Lopez Hernandez Nuestra Belleza Nayarit 2014. She defeated 6 other finalists.
It was a night full of glamour and beauty and saw the 7 finalists ramp walking in casual clothes, bikinis and evening dresses.
After winning the crown Geraldine said, “Grateful to God for giving me this great opportunity that I know appreciate and cope with dignity and pride, also I will represent my beautiful Nayarit and I will prepare to make an excellent role in NuestraBelleza Mexico”.
She is against racism and discrimination in all its manifestations. She represents a Nayarit beauty who adorns emotional intelligence and thinking, positive attitude and a great spirit of partnership based on values, such as respect, discipline and humility.