
Ways to keep a check on Mental Health amidst quarantine due to Covid-19

06 Apr 2020 | Angelique Reyes

The outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19) has taken over the world like a wild fire with most of the countries around the world going on lockdowns and work coming to an almost halt. In the middle of a lockdown, one might feel smothered and have difficulty in dealing with emotions which are disrupting. The new lifestyle is hard to digest and has been taking a toll on everyone’s mental health as well. But one must stay strong and do whatever it takes to stay sane and healthy to fight the situation. Actively managing your wellbeing by understanding the nature of this pandemic and giving yourself and others time for fine tuning during physical distancing is essential.

Here are few things that can help one to keep a check on their mental health –

Stay calm, cautions and focused

This is not the time where you can panic and have confusing thoughts. One should maintain calm and peaceful attitude and be focused on what is important now i.e., social distancing. Listen to your favorite music, watch an old movie, read a book, enjoy a meal of your choice, walk under the sun while keeping a safe distance or do yoga. Celebrate your small achievements. It could be as simple as decluttering your closet.


Stay calm, cautions and focused


Set limits or boundaries on news

Try to avoid excessive exposure to media coverage. Constant monitoring of news updates and social media feeds about COVID-19 can intensify feelings of worry and distress. Consider turning off automatic notifications and taking a break from the news. Setting boundaries to how much news you read, watch or listen will allow you to focus on your life and actions over which you have control, as opposed to wondering ‘what if?’.


Set limits or boundaries on news


Practice Self Care

Self-care in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak includes focusing on things you can control (like having good hygiene) instead of those you cannot (stopping the virus). Where possible, maintain your daily routine and normal activities: eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep and doing things that you enjoy. Consider creating a daily routine that prioritize your wellbeing and positive mental health. Activities, like taking a walk, meditating or exercising, can help you to relax and will have a positive impact on your thoughts and feelings.


Practice Self Care


Maintain Healthy Hygiene

If you’re at home or staying indoors that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a hygiene to maintain. Make sure you’re washing your hands just as guided by the WHO and practicing other forms of hygiene as well. This helps is staying calm and satisfied for a while. Simple yet helpful hygiene practices like cutting your nails, cutting your hair, bathing everyday etc., helps in staying not only healthy but also keeps your moral boosted.


Maintain Healthy Hygiene


Educate and prepare your children

Educate and prepare children for this pandemic and the reasons for their limited outdoor activities. Offer help with their home-based learning assignments. Try to engage children by involving them in small household chores.


Educate and prepare your children


Start (or end) your day with gratitude

Taking a moment to remember all the things you are grateful for in life can be a great way to focus on the positive. To take stock of the ways in which you count yourself lucky or blessed allows you to re-center on your priorities. There are various exercises that one can find online such as a 30-day gratitude challenge. It recommends making a list of the things you are grateful for and keeping a gratitude journal.


Start (or end) your day with gratitude


Identify the normal distress reactions

During such times, it is normal to go through some stress and anxiety but one must keep a check on distress reactions so that it doesn’t take a toll on one’s health. So, keep a check on feeling or thoughts like scared, anxious, trouble sleep, worrisome thoughts, trouble focusing, feeling low and restlessness. If you’re going through any of the emotions or thoughts mentioned, there is no need to panic just breathe, talk to a counselor and do exactly what the professional says.


Reach out to a professional


Reach out to a professional

What we lack in ourselves is admitting to a fact that we need help to stay calm and channelize our emotions and pandemic has just added a lot of pressure to it now. So, now is not the time to worry about how would society react when you say that ‘I am not feeling right or I need help’. It’s normal to ask for help and It should not be taken lightly as stress can reduce your body’s immune system. So ask for help, reach out to a counselor or a professional to talk about how are you feeling through calls, texts or video calls.