
Breaking the Bias with Miss Earth 2021 queens

08 Mar 2022 | Camilla Suarez

The Miss Earth organization celebrated womanhood this International Women’s day along with the reigning court of 2021 coming forward with the Break the Bias theme. The #BreakTheBias movement aims to encourage people to call out gender bias when they see it happening, and holds us all accountable for our own thoughts and actions.

The stunning Miss Earth Fire 2021 Baitong Jareerat Petsom invited  every woman to celebrate this day, no matter what they look like or where they are from, because everyone deserves a gender equal world. Miss Earth Water 2021 Romina Denecken van der  Veen shared that she is hoping for an inclusive world, where differences are valued and celebrated, that’s why she encouraged every woman to unite and stanby each other.



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Marisa Paige Butler, Miss Earth Air 2021 invited women to come along and forward to share the things they do to Break the Bias and create a world with gender equality. The reigning queen, Miss Earth 2021 Destiny Wagner who is also celebrating her birthday today challenged everyone to stand in solidarity with the women who are using their platforms to promote positive messages and ignite change.

This theme aims to bring awareness to the gender biases women face every day in all walks of life. Gender bias refers to the preferential treatment of men, and whether the bias is deliberate or unconscious, it is holding women back from reaching their full potential.



Other beauty queens joining the campaign were, Miss World 2017 second runner-up Stephanie Hill, Miss Universe Singapore 2021 Nandita Banna and the global superstar Miss World 2000 Priyanka Chopra Jonas. This year, to raise awareness of the #BreakTheBias campaign, there is a hand pose which people can share to show their support. The campaign encourages people to ‘cross your arms to show solidarity’.