The organization of Miss Earth Japan has crowned Anna Tode as the new Miss Earth Japan 2020 and she will be representing Japan at the virtual coronation ceremony of Miss Earth 2020 stage. Anna succeeds Miss Earth Japan 2019 Yuka Itoku for the title.
Anna who represented the province of Saitama is 20-years-old and is a student of Biology major who is very excited and passionate to represent the home country at international stage where she can combine her environmental advocacies with her love for beauty pageant.
The diva has explained that she has always been passionate about environmental issues and Miss Earth’s platform has helped her to widen her area of thinking and working for the betterment of the mother nature. It was the first time; she has taken part in a beauty pageant and has shown immense amount of confidence and determination towards the title.
Miss Earth Japan 2020 Anna Tode's elemental court includes
First Runner-up: Miss Earth Air Japan 2020 Rina Hanae of Toshigi
Second Runner-up: Miss Earth Water Japan 2020 Nahu Yasukawa of Osaka
Third Runner-up: Miss Earth Fire Japan 2020 Nagisa Tsutsume of Iwate
Anna worked on her walk and speech lessons as she felt that she needed to work on her skills and abilities to win the title and she mentioned that training for the competition was fresh and fun. She has also expressed her gratitude towards the organization and her family and friends who have kept her motivated throughout the competition and pushed her to perform her best.
The diva has mentioned, “Until now, I was interested in environmental protection, but I couldn't take action. I am looking forward to doing various activities as Miss Earth from now on. I will be taking the advantage of biology that I am studying at the university; I want to continue to work to think that you can precisely because their own.” She will be using the platform to take her ideas and advocacies into action. She is strong, confident, and hopeful that with her ideas and changes, she can help people to think about their choices
Ann will be representing Japan at the virtual coronation ceremony of Miss Earth 2020 which is going to start from September and the grand finale will take place on 29th November 2020. Last year, Yuka Itoku represented Japan at Miss Earth 2019 and was appreciated for her performance and was placed at the top 20 at the end of the event finale.
Congratulations to the newly crowned diva!