Miss Earth SA 2017 finalist, Orielia Egambaram, has announced that she will be taking part in the 2017 Pretoria SPAR Women’s Challenge with a team in order to help in making a difference and supporting this year’s BetterTogether race message.
The SPAR Women’s Challenge is the premier event of the Gauteng North road running calendar. This challenge is the most popular and inclusive road race in South Africa, attracting the country’s top professional female athletes and thousands of recreational runners.
Orielia chose to embrace this year’s race theme which gives the message of BetterTogether. She says that this year’s theme had a higher chance of reaching her goals with the support of others. She was inspired to enter the race because she believes that the SPAR Women’s Challenge races create a platform for supporting women and fighting injustice against women.
“I felt that I would be able to better achieve my goal of creating awareness by connecting like-minded people as opposed tackling this task alone. I am aware that one person is quite capable of making a positive difference in the world, but, by uniting individuals from various backgrounds, we are reminded that certain challenges are bigger than ourselves and thus together we can achieve more”, said Oriella.

An initiative such as the SPAR Women’s Challenge allows us to stand together and shed light on social injustices and ill treatment of women. Till date, Orielia has amassed a team of 20 people to participate in the SPAR Women’s Challenge.