
Claire Parker to make a comeback in pageantry at Miss Universe Australia 2019

20 Feb 2019 | Camilla Suarez

Former Miss Grand International Claire Elizabeth Parker will soon be making a comeback in the pageantry by participating in Miss Universe Australia 2019 and eyeing the coveted Miss Universe crown. Claire rose to fame as she assigned the crown of Miss Grand International 2015 after Anea Garcia was dethroned from the crown.


Claire Elizabeth Parker to make a comeback in pageantry at Miss Universe Australia 2019


Having gained quite a huge fanbase in not just Australia but all over the world, Claire’s comeback is definitely going to make a lot of her fans really happy. The rumours began when Claire posted a picture on her social media and tagged Miss Universe Australia in both the caption and the photo. Take a look for yourself –



Miss Universe, being a prestigious pageant, is a dream of almost every woman in the world. Claire, after dominating Miss Grand International as a reigning queen in 2015, now wants to conquer the Miss Universe stage as well with her brilliant blue eyes and elegance.

 Claire has decided to participate in Miss Universe Australia 2019 as she posted a lot of other pages on her Instagram story revealing the same news, she will be elected from New South Wales province. There’s no doubt that Claire’s previous experience in pageantry will definitely help her in not only gaining a strong dominance in the national beauty contest but also in the international pageant if she wins the crown of Miss Universe Australia.