Miss World Guyana 2020 is all set to host its new edition on 26th May 2020 where the national representative to Miss World 2020 will be crowned. On 26th January 2020, Majesty International, the official license holders of the Miss World Guyana national competition selected 15 out of the 25 quarterfinalist candidates who were selected in 2019 to compete in the 2020 annual Miss World Guyana national competition.
After a series of challenges in fitness/sports, talent, top model, multimedia, performance reviews and the ultimate Beauty with a Purpose challenge by way of monthly submissions, resulting in the below Quarterfinalist Deliverables scaling with a 50% cut-off ceiling for Semi-finalists qualifier. The theme of this year is Freedom which epitomizes the evolution of womanhood where the Guyanese woman is seen/visible, heard and promoted in a positive light.
The stunning beauties who will now compete for the next round and thereon, the selection of the Top 10 finalists will be made are –
Aaliyah Anthony
Alicia Jordan
Aliya Wong
Celicia Campbell
Ederle Stephen
Gabriella Chapman

Jamicia McCalman
Jhadee Gordon
Raeshaunna Jones
Reshana Khan
Sasha Hughes-Williams
Sherzana Munilall
These beauties will now compete in a social media-inspired pitch with the intention of bringing awareness to their Beauty With A Purpose projects. They will also undergo challenges in philosophy, classical music, dining etiquette and the creation of a personalized playbook for success inclusive of a SWOT analysis and 5-year plan, in the hope of securing a top 10 spot in the finals, bringing one lucky multitalented lady closer to attaining her dream of becoming the next young female icon as Guyana’s Miss World 2020. The Finals will commence in May with 10 Finalists vying for the coveted Miss World Guyana crown after the Appointment Ceremony where each finalist will be appointed to an administrative region in Guyana.