
Miss World Beauties Inaugurate Sanya Sea Festival

30 Nov 2015 | Angelopedia

Miss World Organization is always known for providing its delegates not only with the hospitable and amiable ambience, but also uniquely wonderful platform to channelize their positive energies! This is what happened last day, when all the stunning ladies from over 112 countries were taken on a clandestine tour and exhibition of the world’s most incredible yachts at the 2015 China Rendezvous, Sanya Sea Festival.

Also Read : Miss World 2015 Welcome Ceremony

As soon as the contestants heard they were going to be blend with the world’s most influential people, they couldn’t help but express their exhilaration. The contestants began their day with an opening ceremony organized by the China Rendezvous in which they observed the unveiling of the “Blue Project”, an inimitable initiative dedicated to promoting ocean fortification and preservation. The ladies were publicly introduced to the eyes of the worldwide media for the very first time, as hundreds of press turned up just to get a glance of the contestants.


Miss World Beauties Inaugurate Sanya Sea Festival


Miss Uganda said she had never experienced that much press spotlight erstwhile and was besieged but enjoyed every minute! Miss Zambia also shared akin views with the China Rendezvous organization on the importance of water conservation, reflecting: “Today was an amazing experience because I got to learn from the experts in sustainability and we need to be reminded that we are not the last generation and we must be considerate for our children. I come from a landlocked country so I know clean and plentiful water is of the utmost importance.”

Also Read : Rolene Strauss gets Nostalgic as her Reign is About to End

Following the opening ceremony and inauguration of the Blue Project, the girls were then treated to a fabulous showcase of the most implausible yachts. The girls had the prospect to go on board and blend in the most luxurious environment and feel like stars for the day. While the girls’ enthusiasm was laudable during the event, the glowing and glistening reigning Miss World, Rolene Strauss’s beauty and eloquence makes us nostalgic as her reign is about to end!


Miss World Beauties Inaugurate Sanya Sea Festival


The world will witness a new Miss World on 19' December 2015! Who do you think will be acknowledged as the brand new queen?