Miss Russia, one of the highly recognized beauty pageants of Russia that selects representatives of Russia to Miss Universe and Miss World international beauty pageants, is all set to hold this year’s edition as the finale will be held on 13th April 2019 at Barvikha Luxury Village in Moscow, where fifty delegates will be vying for the prestigious crown and the opportunity to represent the country in Miss Universe 2019 and Miss World 2019 pageants and serve as Miss Russia 2019 of the country for a year. The reigning queen and Miss Russia 2018 Yulia Polyachikhina will crown her successor who will then take over the duties and advocacies associated with the title at the conclusion of the finale.
The pageant established in the year 1992 is not just as a beauty pageant but is also the pride and treasure of Russia. Ever since commencement, the pageant has been held annually except in the years 1994, 2000 and 2008, when no pageant was held. In 1993, Russia made its debut at Miss International pageant, followed by starting representation at Miss Universe next year and following to this from 2007, the winner of Miss Russia is being sent to both Miss Universe and Miss World. If the winner is unable to represent for any reason, the first runner up is sent in lieu.
Besides being the pride and treasure of the country, the pageant is also a career platform for many of the divas who aim to flourish in the beauty pageant world. All Miss Russia titleholders are extensively recognized as successful and a role model in and around the country as the winners are sent-off to the international pageants where they get more fame.
Till date, Russia has won three major international titles - Miss World 1992, Miss Universe 2002 (the winner, however, was later dethroned and Panama's Justine Pasek, the first runner-up, was crowned instead) and Miss World 2008.
For the year 2019, Angelopedia has selected its top 20 favourite delegates who we think are talented and gorgeous and will give a celestial performance in the national pageant are Miss Russia 2019 contestants are Vlada Potapova (Влада Потапова), Lolita Prudnikova (Лолита Прудникова), Elvira Karamysheva (Эльвира Карамышева), Elena Panovikova (Елена Пановикова), Anastasia Voznyuk (Анастасия Вознюк), Polina Atamanova (Полина Атаманова), Ekaterina Neklyudova (Екатерина Неклюдова), Anastasia Konareva (Анастасия Конарева), Natalia Vorobyova (Наталья Воробьева), Maria Kalibina (Мария Калибина), Anna Rudakova (Анна Рудакова), Elena Linkevich (Елена Линкевич), Elizaveta Stratenko (Елизавета Стратенко), Yulia Tikhonova (Юлия Тихонова), Namzhilma Dorzhieva (Намжилма Доржиева), Sabina Rabaia (Сабина Рабая), Arina Verina (Арина Верина), Ekaterina Nenasheva (Екатерина Ненашева), Alina Sanko (Алина Санько), Anastasia Dyadyura (Анастасия Дядюра), Anastasia Krivolapova (Анастасия Криволапова), Viktoria Guseva (Виктория Гусева), Kristina Barinova (Кристина Баринова), Alexandra Elicheva (Александра Еличева), Polina Kachanova (Полина Качанова), Ksenia Belova (Ксения Белова), Tatyana Pachisko (Татьяна Пачиско), Violetta Milovanova (Виолетта Милованова), Linara Isaeva (Линара Исаева), Lidia Ivanova (Лидия Иванова), Anna Kharisova (Анна Харисова), Olga Bezrukova (Ольга Безрукова), Darya Verkhoturtseva (Дарья Верхотурцева), Valeria Skolota (Валерия Сколота), Alina Vitkovskaya (Алина Витковская), Yulia Chernyuk (Юлия Чернюк), Elizaveta Zadorozhnaya (Елизавета Задорожная), Darya Melnikova (Дарья Мельникова), Maria Kudryavtseva (Мария Кудрявцева), Milyausha Galimova (Миляуша Галимова), Elena Razinkova (Елена Разинкова), Yana Patsenker (Яна Паценкер), Ralina Arabova (Ралина Арабова), Marina Grosheva (Марина Грошева), Kristina Rebrik (Кристина Ребрик), Veronika Schelkanova (Вероника Щелканова), Daria Mitichkina (Дарья Митичкина), Elizaveta Smolina (Елизавета Смолина), Ekaterina Kalyazina (Екатерина Калязина), Vlada Sadirova (Влада Садирова)