Miss Grand Netherlands 2018 took a rocking start with twelve finalists. However, due to an unfortunate turn of events, one of the finalists, Deborah Van Hemert, had to back off. Now, only 11 finalists remain as the coronation night nears us.
The 11 finalists are enjoying every bit of the pageant and are working hard to get closer to the crown. The reigning queen Miss Grand Netherlands 2017, Kelly Van Den Dungen is also spending time with the delegates, giving them tips and sharing her own experience with the girls. The candidates of Miss Grand Netherlands 2018 also had a chance to enjoy an official photo shoot with the reigning queen.
But, it’s time we get to know each and every one of them personally. So here is Miss Grand Netherlands 2018 finalist Kimberley Xhofleer’s future plans, and past struggles.
Q. How does it feel to be a delegate of Miss Grand Netherlands 2018?
Since I was a child, I always watched the Miss Universe Final on the television. For me it was just a dream and I kept telling myself that it was only a real thing for some lucky girls in the world. At that time competing in a pageant looked so far away. Not only because of my age back then, but also because of the thought that I would never be good enough to be like those pretty girls on TV.
In 2016, I came in touch for the first time with the pageant world, namely Miss Beauty of the Netherlands. I was selected as provincial finalist and was so happy at that time, not knowing that I would win the provincial title and as well the big final at the end. I became Miss Beauty of the Netherlands 2016! I learned a lot during that journey and came to the conclusion that I was not done with participating in 0+pageants.
I decided to register myself for Miss Grand Netherlands 2018 and I can proudly say that I am one of the finalists for the big title. I feel so blessed and proud, because the pageant stands for something meaningful. I love being an ambassador for ‘stop the war and violence’ that the pageant stands for.
Q. What is the best lesson you’ve learnt that has shaped your life?
I live by the quote: If something becomes hard, work harder. If you have a dream, go for it. Never let people drop you down. In the past people told me that I was not good enough, not smart enough and that I was too ambitious. In the beginning I felt so bad when somebody told me that I was not good or strong enough to accomplish something. Instead of good energy it gave me bad energy which you cannot use when you have a goal in mind. At that time I started to realize that how much energy you need to invest in something, that if you like it, it will automatically give you energy back. And that is the right spirit. Besides that always be yourself, we only live once. Let’s live life to the fullest.
Q. What is the one thing that keeps you going and inspires you to be the best version of yourself?
I think that every person has a light in their heart that is lighting up on moments you really want to reach something. That light is giving you power to conquer the bad moments and as well to focus really on what you want to achieve. I can rely this on multiple examples in my life, my work, my sport but as well during the pageant. I believe that if you really want to reach your goal, you can make it, as long if the mindset is good. Listen good to your heart and everything will be alright.
Sometimes it is okay to talk with the people you love. Share your story and you will see that they’re behind you and that they will support you no matter what. I often say, teamwork makes a dream work and for me it really is.
Q. Other than the Miss Grand Netherlands crown, what do you want to achieve from this competition?
I want to become the best version of myself. Every time you are wearing your sash is a moment to remember what you have already accomplished. It gives me self-confidence and it reminds me where I stand for. I really want to be an inspiration for other people. The 17th of June we will know who the new Miss Grand Netherlands is and at that point I want to look in the mirror and say to myself that I learned as much as possible during the journey. For me the inner beauty is really important, so I want to use these months of preparation to focus on this point.

Q. We’re sure that this competition is just another milestone in your life. What is that one thing that you consider your life goal?
My life goal is definitely being happy. If I’m happy, I smile and when I smile, I feel strong. Besides that I hope to have a happy family someday and that I have my own company. I always had the feeling that I wanted to do something for the society and I know with my empathy and educational background in Psychology, I can help people. That is for me a life goal that I would like to focus on.
Q. How would you like to represent yourself at the national stage at Miss Grand Netherlands 2018?
I’m really looking forward to the finals of Miss Grand Netherlands. For me beauty from the outside is important, but the inner beauty is for sure even important for me. By sporting a lot and eating healthy I try to look as good as possible, but besides that I want to represent myself really as Kimberley. The confident, sweet and hardworking woman with a positive mindset who is able to achieve goals and I hope the judges will see this during the finals.
Q. Who is your ideal, and what values of theirs do you wish you could inculcate in your own life, and teach the next generation?
My parents are my ideal. They raised me and my little sister with lots of love and they always supported us in the choices we made. They told me that it is important to find the real you, so they always gave me the space to discover how I wanted to live my life.
This is something that I really admire and it’s is also something that I encourage to other children.
Reading this questions reminds me as well about my work. I’m currently working in a consultancy company focusing on engineering. I speak with people from all around the world and for me it’s really important that they are doing something that they like. When I talk to people I always try to find out what makes them happy and that they are going to do something that they love to do. This is in line with what my parents learned me as a child.
Q. If you could be invisible for a day, how would you like to spend it?
Well, that is an easy question for me. If I could be invisible for one day, I would secretly take the first plane as possible to Canada where a part of my family is living. Family means a lot to me and it would be wonderful to see them again after a long time. Even though they can’t see me, I still would appreciate it to see them again.

Q. Would you like to share your most special childhood memory with us?
The most special childhood memory for me was the trip to Canada. I went with my family to Canada to visit our family there and that was so special for me. We traveled around the country, visited culture and nature. I remember the trips in the car for hours and that we were talking about everything that came up into our minds. At that moment I forgot the beautiful nature around me, because I was so happy to be with my family and that gives me such a nice feeling when I think about that trip.
Q. What is your advocacy; can you tell us more about it?
I want to raise awareness for people and especially children in times of war. At this moment it is a urgent global problem that we need to solve together. We need to be strong and need to take action on it. Not only looking at it. Mom’s and dad’s are losing their children, children are losing their friends and so on and it’s all because of war and violence. We can’t let this happen….
In the Netherlands, we welcomed lots of refugees last year and that means a lot to me. It shows the good side of the people in our country. Now I have a clear vision that I want to accomplish. I want to visit some refugee places and spend some time with them. I would like to understand their story and take away the pain a bit for a while. With my background in psychology I learned how to communicate with people, but also in some cases, how to find back a smile on somebody’s face and that would mean the world to me. I am aware that I cannot change the world by myself, but if everybody starts looking at themselves, than we can make a difference together.
Q. What is the one thing you can label as your guilty pleasure?
SUSHI! You literally can wake me up for this in the middle of the night. Especially the ones with salmon on it, I love it!
Q. If you are granted 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?
Well, to be Miss Grand Netherlands of course and having the honor to represent the Netherlands in Miss Grand International 2018.
Secondly I want to wish for health and happiness for the people who are standing close to me.
At last giving me and other people the power and the tools to help the people who are in need, because together we can make a difference.
Q. Lastly, is there any message that you would like to give to your fans at Angelopedia?
First of all thank you for having this interview with me and besides that, thank you so much for supporting us all in our journey to the crown of Miss Grand Netherlands. I promise to do the best I can do during the competition! <3