Femina Miss India 2017 is all set to get aired in the coming month of June and all the contestants are gearing up for the gala night to represent their respective states in the best avatar. They are preparing and training themselves to win the coveted title of Miss India 2017. All the contestants are ready to win the hearts of millions of people with their charming beauty.
Rody H Vanlalhritpuii, Miss India Mizoram 2017 is one of the mesmerizing contestants who is majestic, never fails to impress with her beauty and wittiness. This magnanimous beauty does not need the help of photo shop or airbrush to look eye-catching.
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There were total 16 girls competing for the title of Femina Miss India Mizoram and Rody H Vanlalhritpuii was the one who took the crown home. She was crowned by none other than reigning queen, Priyadarshini Chatterjee, Femina Miss India 2016. Rody is the first woman from southern Mizoram to win the title. In addition to winning the crown, she also won 3 subtitles awards namely Miss Talent, People’s Choice and Best Gown.
Before conquering the title of Femina Miss India Mizoram 2017, Rody started her journey in her teens with baby steps. She won the title of college miss 2011 during her bachelors. She is one of our sentimental favorites for the crown this year. We will be glad if this North East Indian beauty makes it far in the race of Femina Miss India crown this year.
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