The finale of Miss Universe India 2018 (Miss Diva 2018) is scheduled to take place on 31st August 2018. At the conclusion of the finale, Miss Universe India 2017 Shraddha Shashidhar will crown her successor who will represent India at the Miss Universe 2018 pageant on 16th December 2018 in Thailand.
Apart from Miss Universe India 2018, Miss Supranational India 2018 will also be crowned by Miss Supranational India 2017 Peden Ongmu Namgyal. The mentee this year for the contestants will be none other than Bollywood actress, and Miss Universe India 2000 Lara Dutta Bhupathi.
So without further ado, let’s find out which 20 beauties will be vying for the Miss Universe India 2018 crown.
Aditi Hundia
Aditi Shetty
Aishwarya Kamal
Amanpreet Kaur
(Photo Credits: Miss Diva Facebook Official)
Anindita Kakoti
Apurva Chavan
Elisha Mayor
Hannah Reji Koshy
Himanshi Bhadana
Lavina Israni
Nehal Chudasama
Preethy Prabhakaran
Roshni Sheoran
Shefali Sood
Sonaly Narang
Surina Jaidka
Tanvi Malhi
Vanshika Rajput
Venus Malik
India has won the crown and title of Miss Universe twice in the past. The first titleholder of Miss Universe from India was in 1994 when Sushmita Sen won, and the second win that the country lodged was in Miss Universe 2000 with Lara Dutta Bhupathi.