The 20th edition of Miss Earth, i.e., Miss Earth 2020 is going to be held on 29th November 2020 and for the first time in history, Miss Earth will crown their new titleholder with a virtual coronation night due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The winner will succeed Miss Earth 2019 Nellys Pimentel of Puerto Rico for the title.
We have selected our favourites from the group who we think have to potential to win the title as Miss Earth 2020. Let’s look at the final hot picks:
Miss Earth Nigeria 2020 Gwenivere Chioma Ifeanyieze
Gwenivere is 22-years-old and stands 174 cm tall who grew up in a family that practice subsistence agriculture. Her advocacy is about supporting Life on Earth with the use of Putrescible Waste in Agricultural Development. She has won the three preliminaries awards including National Costume Competition, Long Gown Competition, and Sports Wear Competition. She has shown immense dedication and emerged as one of the strongest contenders for the title.
Miss Earth USA 2020 Lindsey Coffey
Lindsey is 28-years-old and stands 176 cm tall who strongly believe in natural beauty and loves to show others how to embrace their natural selves. The diva is a huge supporter and advocate for mental health and explains that she connects with fellow models who are under mental stress and help them back into a mentally calm and safe space. She aspires to build an animal sanctuary to empty the kennels and to rescue the ill-treated. Her advocacy revolves around the water crises that poses the most immediate risk as it affects humanity and regional states. As a representative at Miss Earth 2020, she wants to promote the mission and conduct hands on work as a beauty for a cause. Her goal is to encourage conversation with others, to amplify her voice, influence others to use their voices, to share on social media, and to conduct impactful media outreach. She has won Long Gown Competition and Talent Competition (Singing Category) awards at the preliminary competitions.
Miss Earth Netherlands 2020 Tessa Le Conge
Tessa is 26-years-old and stands 178 cm tall who cares a lot about helping companies get greener. Now along with preparing for the competition, she is busy with a project of replacing all coffee cups for eco bamboo cups at the company she works for. Her advocacy is about shifting the culture in a way that benefits climate action and nature with COVID-19’s influence. To build a green economy by sharing ideas that could help in building a regenerative culture once the economy starts up again. She believes she has the strength to guide people through that transformation, sharing knowledge and love for our mother earth. She has won Beach Wear Competition and Talent Competition (Creative Category) award at the preliminary competition.
Miss Earth Philippines 2020 Roxanne Allison Baeyens
Roxanne is 23-years-old and stands 168 cm tall who is an advocate for Urban Gardening and Agriculture, and is now an active volunteer and the face of Department of Agriculture - Cordillera. As an animal lover, she has started the Stray-t from the heart program to feed strays and uplift animal rights. She believes that ‘If we choose to open our eyes and be alarmed, then nature would continue to heal even after lockdowns have been lifted’. As a woman of the Earth, Roxanne is kind and showcases her love to all people and beings and strongly feels that it is a rich gesture that could leave a substantial change in this world. She has won Talent Competition (Dance Category) and Long Gown Competition award at the preliminary competition.
Miss Earth Venezuela 2020 Stephany Zreik
Stephany is 24-years-old and stands 173 cm tall who describes herself as an enthusiast woman with a strong personality that has her life objectives clear in her life. Her advocacy is to make people conscious about the modern problems that humanity is facing. She believes that with Miss Earth pageant her voice will reach many people, and with the effort of all of us combined, she will leave a better world starting from now for future generations. Being a part of a beauty pageant that is conducting the ceremony online is something she is really excited for and feels that effort of every delegate would leads to success. She has been a consistent performer at the beauty competition and has won National Costume Competition, Beach Wear Competition, and Sports Wear Competition at the preliminary competition.
Miss Earth Canada 2020 Gloren Guelos
Gloren is 25-years-old and stands 165 cm tall who aspires to help and nurture the sick. Her advocacy is to find a sustainable way to recycle medical masks. With the spike in the use of disposable PPE’s, she says that they do not have a way to properly recycle. As Miss Earth Canada, she will work with the University of British Columbia Bioproducts Institute to implement their research on making biodegradable masks and educate the community about proper waste management. Gloren explains that since everything starts from one’s home; individuals should start separating the garbage disposal - recyclables, food waste and garbage, re-use the containers as much as possible etc. She has shown immense dedication and determination towards winning the title and have performed exceptionally well at all preliminary activities and won Talent Competition (Dance Category) award.
Miss Earth Myanmar 2020 Amara Shune Lei
Amara is 24-years-old and stands 178 cm tall who describes herself as open-minded person with whom one can talk the whole night without sleeping. She is an advocate for the sustainability of Ayeyarwady river. She explains that there is a significant increase of pollutants in the Ayeyarwady river, the lifeblood of the country. People along the river used to throw away plastics daily and the chemical waste products by factories cause pollution of Ayeyarwady river. As one of the major consequences, the rare wildlife species, called Ayeyarwady Dolphins are going extinct. She is going to educate people and raise awareness for the protection of Ayeyarwady river and its consequences. Amara explains, “as someone who grows up in the region where there are many mountains, it has always been my intuitive mindset to love and preserve the beauty of nature, our mother earth.”
Miss Earth Vietnam 2020 Thai Thi Hoa
Hoa is 26-years-old and stands 175 cm tall who describes herself as a normal girl from a normal family but who has always tried to learn every day, dare to dream, dare to fulfil and step by step making her dreams come true. She strongly believes that, “it is extremely important to be nice to yourself and those around you because there are so many great things starting with kindness." Her Advocacy is helping people stay positive and respect to Mother Earth. For this, she wants to raise awareness for people that one should take action to preserve our environment. This is also our home. We could start with planting more trees in house, office and even everywhere one can plant. Let’s go green together. We can protect the environment better. Keep green and keep our planet clean. We must change our behaviour of consumption and act of material sharing, reduce waste, organic consumption, biodiversity protection, saving energy and water, recycling. She won the National Costume Competition award.
Miss Earth Cambodia 2020 Sothnisay Heng
Nisay is 24-years-old and stands 170 cm tall who feels that joining pageants for her is like a responsibility in order to help promote the country. Her advocacy is Youth Education where she wants to encourage young women to pursue higher education. She feels that one should explore the environment and think about sustainable development especially now.
Miss Earth Australia 2020 Brittany Dickson
Brittany is 25-years-old and stands 175 cm tall who very proud of her charity work over the past few years. Since 2017, she has been able to raise over $15000 AUD for the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation. She has also enjoyed contributing and being part of the different environmental charities like Greening Australia and WWF’s Australian Wildlife and Nature Recovery Fund. Wildlife conservation is focus of the advocacy as she has immense love towards animals. She is a cancer survivor and was highly appreciated when she removed her wig during the talent competition.
Miss Earth Thailand 2020 Nampetch Teeyapar Sretsirisuvarna
Nampetch is 28-years-old and stands 170 cm tall who can represent Thailand at Miss Earth stage again and wants to promote her advocacy further in reducing plastic like Thailand. She believes that she can use Thailand as a case study on how we can reduce and recycle plastic in order to save the earth from plastic waste and this is her mission as Miss Earth Thailand 2020. She would like to invite everyone to refresh themselves and our earth together to engage in solving the ongoing environmental problems by reducing waste and pollution. The reason she wants to promote her advocacy and protect the environment is to promote the importance of “recycling food and plastic waste” because they can be used again for other purposes in order to reduce waste and the use of raw materials. She has been working tirelessly to create awareness and educate the community about her advocacy and has emerged as one of the strongest contenders for the title.
Miss Earth India 2020 Tanvi Kharote
Tanvi is 22-years-old and stands 166 cm tall who has a penchant for collecting things that remind me of either a certain place or time. Tanvi is operating on clean energy harvested through solar power with her visionary father, at our firm, Samartha Solar. With this, she wants to generate awareness about clean and sustainable reservoirs of energy in lieu of burning our limited fossil fuels. She explains that her need to give back to the community and simultaneously bring about a definite change in the environment drove her to take solar energy project to rural areas. Working tirelessly with her father, they’ve been able to set up projects like solar streetlights, solar-powered water pumps, grid-tie systems, bio gas plants and more.
Miss Earth Spain 2020 Marta Lorenzo
Marta is 24-years-old and stands 170 cm tall who would like to achieve all her goals, surpass herself and be a better person each day. Being a student of tourism, she would like to focus on ecotourism as her advocacy. She explained that the importance of a responsible travels to the natural areas which conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of local people. Practising ecotourism means a lot of advantages, such as, minimize impact, build environment, and culture awareness and respect, provide experience for both visitors and host, etc. If we get ecotourism, at the same time, we will reduce the climate change. Marta believes that the government should invest into renewable energies as they will help the earth along with being a part of eco-friendly and develop responsible tourism. Reducing climate change means for tourism to keep its resources, such as, weather, landscapes, etc.
Miss Earth Kenya 2020 Fridah Kariuki
Fridah is 23-years-old and stands 163 cm tall who is the founder of ‘Unbroken’ an all rounded women initiative that aims to inspire and empower young girls and women. She wants women to realize that we are powerful and no one gives you power, you take it. She calls her advocacy as ‘Seeds of Hope’ which is to give back to mother Earth for a sustainable tomorrow. For Fridah, the beauty of being an environmentalist is something that she does from her heart with no expectations whatsoever. She acts in her own small way by planting as many trees as she can as she never wants the children to feel inferior just because they come from dry semi-arid areas. The diva wants them to grow up knowing that it’s their responsibility to respect the environment.