
Miss Intercontinental 2023 Registrations and Sashing Ceremony held

02 Dec 2023 | Priya Bhardwaj

The 2023 edition of Miss Intercontinental began three days ago the delegates arriving in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The first day, the beauty queens met each other and formed bonds, lifting each other up, and embracing the true essence of sisterhood. 



In the second day, the delegates let their hair down with fun-filled parties to strengthen the connections between these remarkable women. A ‘70s & 80s Night’ party wrapped up the second day with colourful and celebratory gatherings, where laughter and joy intertwined with the shared experiences amongst the delegates.



The third day saw the contestants enjoying the Meraki Sharm Resort’s stunning architecture, a true work of art and harmonious blend of colours. At night, the delegates gathered for an exciting Game Night where the delegates showed their singing skills during karaoke sessions and engaged in friendly competition with indoor games.



The fourth day, the contestants witnessed the sashing ceremony with delegates from all around the world adorned in their stunning gowns. After the sashes were presented to the delegates, the beauties enjoyed the welcome party which was an opportunity to come together, celebrate diversity, and forge lifelong friendships.



The organization also discussed the sashing ceremony on the official social media and wrote, “The sashing ceremony, a symbol of honor and grace, became the starting point of an incredible journey for each delegate. As the sashes were bestowed upon them one by one, they carried with them the pride and aspirations of their respective nations. The room was filled with a palpable sense of unity and determination, as these extraordinary women embraced their roles as ambassadors of beauty and strength.”

The 51st Miss Intercontinental will be held on 15th December 2023 at Sunrise Remal Resort, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt where Miss Intercontinental 2022 Lê Nguyen Bao Ngoc of Vietnam will crown her successor at the end of the event finale.