
Miss International 2021 finale details announced

25 Jan 2021 | Priya Bhardwaj

After Miss International 2020 was cancelled for the second time since 1966 because of Covid-19 pandemic, the pageant fanatics were eagerly waiting for details of the 2021 edition. The wait is finally over as 60th edition of Miss International will be held in November this year.

Miss International Director Mr. Stephen Diaz made an announcement in a live session as he said that Miss International 2021 will be held in the first week of November in Yokohama, Japan. Diaz mentioned that the organization is finding a way to broadcast the live coronation night in as many countries as possible.



He said, "We have so many exciting changes for the finals night. We are going to make it all English as much as possible." The organization has also made a clarification regarding the age qualifications. He informed that the contestant has to be 18 years old by the time she arrives at the host country and should be 28 years old by the pageant night in November.

Miss International 2019 Bint Sirethorn Leearamwat from Thailand is the current titleholder who made history as she won the first Miss International crown for her country. She is the longest reigning queen in the history of Miss International pageant. She will continue to fulfill her duties and responsibilities until she relinquishes the crown to her successor.