
Miss Universe, Gabriela Isler, All Set For Her New Journey

19 Jan 2015 | Angelopedia

Gabriela Isler, Miss Universe 2013,Crowning moment


Gabriela Isler is all set to lose the realm of Miss Universe title on January 25, in Miami, when for the 441st and the final time she will wake up with the celebrity baggage, adorning the title of Miss Universe. She will pass on the title, of being the most beautiful woman in the Universe, to her successor. The Crown that shined on her will soon be placed on someone else. As Gabriela talks about her journey to the next chapter, she gets all nostalgic, and shares her experience of charming the title. She said..

"Before all this, I was just a simple girl, no makeup, no hair, no heels, just a normal girl finishing my education," Isler said in an interview with The Associated Press. "This just changed my life. This made me feel confidently beautiful. ... Now I'm happy with myself every day. I learned to be happy. I grew up in every way, as a daughter, as a sister, as a girlfriend, as a friend. It transformed my life."


Gabriela shared her interests about working for her community and plans to step up her efforts by fighting the problem with teen pregnancy in her homeland. She said.. "I want to continue doing a lot of things related to humanitarian efforts, so one of my new chapters will be maybe becoming a spokesperson for different organizations, but my first one is my baby — starting my own foundation in Venezuela that can help create awareness and bring education and family values to young girls and young women."

Gabriela Isler, holds pride, not just in representing her country on an International level at a beauty pageant, but also how she has been working towards combating social crimes in her country.


After being on tour around the world, when asked which one day stood out among all others during her reign, Isler quickly chose Sept. 3. It was the day, she went to the Vatican, and heard Pope Francis speak. Isler said "I was not able to sleep the day before because I was so excited," Isler said. "I couldn't believe it was real. I was like, 'Really, I'm going to meet the Pope?' I went to the Vatican and I couldn't stop crying and I could cry again. It was a dream. ... I was in tears. I didn't know I was awake. ... That day I realized, this was real."


Reigning Miss Universe, gabriela Isler


As the Finale for the Miss Universe 2014 is nearing, Gabriela gets all emotional and says, she might shed tears on the Finals Night, not because her reign will end, but because, the moment might evoke all the sensation, that she went through during her moment in time.

Having said that, she adds that she won’t sit idle for too long and her next meeting is already programmed for January 26.