
Anntonia Porsild – The sparking legacy of Miss Universe 2023 Runner-Up

02 Dec 2023 | Priya Bhardwaj

Anntonia Porsild, in 2019, made history for her country at Miss Supranational 2019 as she became the first ever Thai woman to win the international crown. Ever since, the pageant fans wanted to see her perform at Miss Universe and their dream came true this year as Anntonia Posrild walked the Miss Universe stage wearing Thailand’s sash proudly.

The 2023 Miss Universe was a series of firsts for a lot of reasons and for Anntonia, the title was almost in her hands as she stood as the final Top 2 at the finale stage next to Nicaragua’s Sheynnis Palacios. At the end of the results, Anntonia was adjudged as the first runner-up and became the first Thai woman to win a Top 3 finish in Miss Universe in 35 years.



A post shared by Anntonia Porsild (@porxild)


Porsild’s winning performance was credited to her impressive answer at the Top 5 Q/A round. Anntonia was asked, “If you could speak to a room full of students about online bullying, what would you say?”

Being the eloquent and classy beauty queen that she is, Anntonia replied, “I would say to not listen to what people have to say because in the end everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it is up to us on how we react to it. Use our voice to stand up for what is right, and be the change that we want to see in the world by leading by example. Don’t listen to the hate because it doesn’t shape us, but what shapes us is how we get back up and how we move forward from that.”



Anntonia, ever since her Miss Universe journey began, also affirmed the influence of beauty queens in shaping the society in today’s scenario as they serve as the voices of the unheard, and use public platform to highlight crucial issues. With a massive following and a strong voice, Porsild is definitely a Miss Universe that the world missed, taking nothing away from the decision made at the Miss Universe 2023 finale night.



Porsild also apologized her Thai fans for failing to bring the crown home and thanked everyone for their support. Anntonia embodies all the qualities of a Miss Universe queen and it all went down to who the jury thought was better at the finale night because both the Top 2 queens deserved to win the crown. Anntonia’s aura will shine through the ‘Universe’ even without the well-deserved crown!