
Beauty Talks with Miss Universe Croatia 2018 Finalist Martina Mitar

17 Mar 2018 | Priya Bhardwaj

Beauty Talks with Miss Universe Croatia 2018 Finalist Martina Mitar


Miss Universe Croatia 2018 will organize its grand finale on 21st April 2018 where one out of the twenty finalists will be crowned as the successor of Miss Universe Croatia 2017 Shanaelle Petty.

Before the finale, the contestant Martina Mitar finds time to share her experience and thoughts on her journey to Miss Universe Croatia 2018.

Below is her full Interview –

Q. How does it feel to be a delegate of Miss Universe Croatia 2018?

It’s really an honor to be a delegate of Miss Universe Croatia 2018. Every girl, when little, dreams about it all, and thankfully I’ve got the chance to do it for real.


Q. What is the best lesson you’ve learnt in your journey as the delegate of Miss Universe Croatia 2018?

As it is a competition, I’ve learned how to fight and stand for myself. It also taught me that it is not all about being pretty, but about more valuable things like education, culture, etc.


Q. What is the one thing that keeps you going and inspires you to be the best version of yourself?

First of all, my family and friends. I think that material things don’t matter very much and that we should be motivated by the real and valuable things in life.


Q. We would love to know more about your advocacy and what drove you to choose it?

This is not my first competition, and I’ve been always attracted to the world of modeling. Even though other competitions were good, Miss Universe was always that big assignment that I wanted to conquer, and now I have a chance.


Q. How would you like to represent yourself at the national stage at Miss Universe Croatia 2018?

I’ll try to represent myself in the best way possible and show why I should be the Miss Universe 2018.


Q. Who is your ideal, and what values of theirs do you wish you could inculcate in your own life, and teach the next generation?

I’ve always looked up to strong, powerful women. I find it important that we enhance women like Oprah, Rosa Parks or Marie Curie. But, I think that we should all respect the most our mothers because they are the ones that teach us all the valuable lesions that life brings.


Beauty Talks with Miss Universe Croatia 2018 Finalist Martina Mitar


Q. If you could be invisible for a day, how would you like to spend it?

I would like to travel and see the most I could in one day without paying for it.


Q. Would you like to share your most special childhood memory with us?

My favorite childhood memories are always connected with our old house in the village. My parents would bring my brothers and I there and we would play all day in the nature and fresh air.


Q. What or who empowers you to be yourself and work hard everyday?

As I said earlier, my mother is the person who motivates me to do my best every time. She is the true role model and a hero, for me.


Q. What is the one thing you can label as your guilty pleasure?

I know it sounds weird but McDonalds is my guilty pleasure. It’s better than any other expensive restaurant and it will always be my guilty pleasure.


Q. We’re sure that this competition is another milestone in your life. What is that one thing that you ultimately want to achieve?

Right now, I want to finish high school and get into university. I think education is one of the most important things in life, especially for women.


Q. If you are granted 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?

If I had 3 wishes, I would ask for education for everyone, gender equality and, of course, less hatred. I think those things should be changed as soon as possible.


Q. Lastly, is there any message that you would like to give to your fans of Angelopedia?

I would like to tell them that they should never lose hope and always fight for what they want. In the world where everyone is trying to be someone else, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself.