Miss Universe Croatia 2018 will organize its grand finale on 21st April 2018 where one out of the twenty finalists will be crowned as the successor of Miss Universe Croatia 2017 Shanaelle Petty.
Before the finale, the contestant Petra Tunjia finds time to share her experience and thoughts on her journey to Miss Universe Croatia 2018.
Below is her full Interview –
Q. How does it feel to be a delegate of Miss Universe Croatia 2018?
It’s always an honour to represent my country, where I was born and raised. I take pride in travelling and exploring different parts of it and learning more about the history of my people. I was raised to respect and cherish the beautiful nature of my country.
Q. What is the best lesson you’ve learnt in your journey as the delegate of Miss Universe Croatia 2018?
I have learnt a lot about myself, self confidence and maybe the most precious thing; to always take the risk and get yourself out of your comfort zone because the sugar is always outside of it.
Q. What is the one thing that keeps you going and inspires you to be the best version of yourself?
Positive energy, because I was raised in a family filled with love, where I was taught to always be grateful and kind.
Q. We would love to know more about your advocacy and what drove you to choose it?
I decided to become an actress to learn more about myself and others, so I can understand humanity and how we function. By being an actress I’m always learning new stories, and I’m lucky enough to illustrate them in an entertaining manner.
Q. How would you like to represent yourself at the national stage at Miss Universe Croatia 2018?
I want to represent myself in an honest manner, to be truthful and to speak from the heart. If I can be myself and show my true human qualities, I’ll be satisfied.

Q. Who is your ideal, and what values of theirs do you wish you could inculcate in your own life, and teach the next generation?
I don’t have an idol, I respect everyone. However, I do admire people with honest kind hearts.
Q. If you could be invisible for a day, how would you like to spend it?
I would spend it in the jury meeting of Miss Universe to see how they were evaluating the contest.
Q. Would you like to share your most special childhood memory with us?
When I was 5, I ended up in the hospital after an asthma attack. There was a girl my age in the room next to me and after a couple of days I realized nobody visited her while on the other hand my parents were visiting me every day with toys and sweets. I asked my mother where her parents were, and she quietly told me she didn’t have parents. She was from an orphanage. After realizing that, I gave her my toys and some of my clothes.
Q. What or who empowers you to be yourself and work hard everyday?
My family and friends who suround me.
Q. What is the one thing you can label as your guilty pleasure?
Eating chocolate the day before Miss Universe contest starts
Q. We’re sure that this competition is another milestone in your life. What is that one thing that you ultimately want to achieve?
I want to continue working on projects that help educating younger generations. I got the honour to work on UNESCOs projects in education for a blind people, I have been voicing over both films and plays for 3 years now, and it makes me happy to see the results.
Q. If you are granted 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?
Here are my three wishes: 1. To finish my drama education and get the master degree from The Julliard Drama School, that will really be an honour; 2. I am interested in professional photography also, so to get a chance to work as a model with good photographers, maybe with Mario Testino; 3. People around me to be healthy and take care of themselves.
Q. Lastly, is there any message that you would like to give to your fans of Angelopedia?
Do I have fans? I want them to know that each and every one of them has an angel guarding them both in real life and on Angelopedia.