Miss World Mexico 2016 have taken the Beauty with Purpose programme a step ahead by offering the contestants of the beauty pageant to get through their selfless side to the hearts of young children and adolescents.

The contestants went on to live with the Children of a small Care Programme of DIF Zacapu. They had a lot of fun spending time and interacting with the kids during their visit. Cute pictures were taken by the contestants to keep happy these memories alive. The site was near the beautiful Zacapu lagoon, which is known for its pure water and springs.
Thirty-two regional representatives are contesting at the Miss World Mexico 2017 pageant and aspiring to become the title holder this year during the finale night scheduled on the 14th of October, at Teatro Morelos in Toluca.

The title winner will adorn the crown and also contest at the Miss World 2016 as a representative of Mexico Republic during the finals in October. Mireia Lalaguna from Spanish, the last year’s Miss World title holder will be crowning her successor at the event.