
Bb Pilipinas 2017 contestants visit Camayan Beach

28 Mar 2017 | Angelopedia

As there is still a month left for the finale of Binibining Pilipinas 2017, the pageant is already in full swing and the contestants are also busy prepping up for the gala finale. After finishing one of the major pre pageant events, the Press Presentation, the delegates are busy with more of their events and activities.

Last week, the Binibinis travelled to Subic Bay for the pageant primer photoshoot. The Binibinis were joined by reigning Queens Jennifer Hammond, Joanna Eden, Nichole Manalo and Angelica Alita. The delegates had a great time as they spent time getting to know each other more and better. All the 39 beauties were seen donning their Swimsuits as they posed for photoshoot. During their visit, the Bb Pilipinas Organisation also held a pageantry workshop for the girls in the Ocean Adventure Park.


Bb Pilipinas 2017 contestants visit Camayan Beach


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The CEO and President of Subic Bay Marine Exploratorium, Inc, Scott Sharpe said, “I can see that they had a great time with us, and only hope that they can come back to watch the shows of Ocean Adventure and spend a little more time at the resort.” SBMEI owns both Ocean Adventure Park and Camayan Beach Resort, which are sponsors of this year's Binibing Pilipinas.



The Binibini list, that was cut short to 39 from 40 when Binibini 36 Mae Lanie Chan was disqualified from the title, is now back to 40. 25 year old Gillian Eliza Colcol is the new Binibini 36, who will now be contesting for the title of Binibining Pilipinas 2017. Hailing from Antipolo, Gillian is a copywriter by profession. She is a graduate in Communication Arts from La Salle College. Standing tall at 5’7”, Gillian is currently working as a copywriter for a local beauty brand whilst doing church volunteer work as a Sunday school teacher. The gorgeous beauty is a product of the Kagandahang Flores Camp.

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The finale of Binibining Pilipinas 2017 is scheduled to be held on 30th April 2017. Who do you think deserves to win the title this year?