21 years old Celeste Espinoza Portillo was crowned Nuestra Belleza Chihuahua 2015 on July 10. She hails from Parral and will now represent Chihuahua in the National pageant Nuestra Belleza Mexico 2015. She defeated 19 other finalists.
Simple yet confident, Celeste is in the seventh semester of Civil Engineering at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Her favourite books are "Go Ask Alice" and "The Girl of Your Dreams'’. She loves Pop Rock and spending time with her family.
Celeste feels beauty is much more than an aesthetic model and is divided into several areas: intelligence, security and goodness in the interior, besides outer beauty, which does not shine without spiritual beauty.
After winning the crown she said,“Since I heard the news I've been very happy, I'm very excited to have the opportunity to represent all women in Chihuahua in such an important event; I consider it a great opportunity and although at first I did not see it, I am now happy”.
The national committee, headed by Lupita Jones, chose the charismatic and beautiful young woman, who in the near future will travel to Mexico City where Lupita will help participants to concentrate for courses and prepare them prior to national competition.