
Shannen Suganob Manzano emerges as a promising candidate for Miss World Philippines 2020

31 Mar 2021 | Camilla Suarez

The organization of Miss World Philippines will soon host the coronation ceremony for Miss World Philippines 2020/2021 where the delegates from all over the country will compete for the national crowns and a chance to represent the Philippines at international competitions.

With a list of potential delegates being prepare for the competition, Shannen Suganob Manzano has emerged as one of the potential candidates for the title as she seems like an ideal choice to represent the Philippines at international competition. She is 16-years-old and stands 180 cm tall and aspiring to represent Quezon City at the competition, if she gets selected.



Shennen is confident and assured about her performance and believes that she has managed to impress the judges who will be soon announcing the names of the selected candidates for the competition. Shennen is a professional model and has worked with various designers and brands which has helped her to gain confidence and determination towards her goals in life which is to represent the Philippines at international competition.

The beauty won Catwalk Philippines 2019 and has walked on-stage for famous designers which showcases that she is experienced in terms of modeling and can emerge as one of the strongest candidates at the competition if she gets selected. She is confident, strong, and dedicated towards her dreams and goals as she believes that if one can dream things in life, they have the power to make those dreams come true as well. Shennen is young but has managed to make herself a name in the model and fashion industry which gives her an advantage compared to the other aspirants.



Shennen believes that if she gets selected, she will work hard and with determination, perform her best at Miss World Philippines 2020 in order to win a crown and go onto represent the country at international beauty stage. She is grateful for everything she has received in life till now and is ready to work hard to achieve more.