
Miss Universe New Zealand 2018 finalist Amber-Lee Friis takes her own life due to bullying

23 May 2020 | Priya Bhardwaj

In an unfortunate turn of events, Miss Universe New Zealand 2018 finalist Amber-Lee Friis has taken her own life aged just 23. The Miss World New Zealand Facebook page posted it had received the news that 23-year-old Auckland woman, Amber-Lee Friis, had died.

All of us at Miss World NZ are dreadfully sad on hearing this. Amber absolutely turned her contestant journey around, after an early 'wobble' she ended up as one of the most positive and supportive contestants we had in the 7 years we held the MU licence. She overcame so much to join us in the first place and she won our admiration and respect from the get-go”, the organization wrote.


Miss Universe New Zealand 2018 finalist Amber-Lee Friis takes her own life due to bullying


Police confirmed they attended a sudden death on Monday and the death has been referred to the Coroner.  Friis did not lead a happy life as she was severely bullied at school, called "Chimoan" because of her tan skin and slanted eyes. She said she ‘never expected in a million years’ she would be in a beauty pageant, and was the only contestant with tattoos and an ear stretcher.

Miss World New Zealand CEO Nigel Godfrey also talked about Friis, “The thing I really liked about her is what you saw was what you got. When she came to us, she was incredibly honest about her background and her upbringing and the challenges she had gone through. And that’s what made her in our eyes somebody who would really benefit from the journey - and she did.”

Angelopedia send their heartiest condolences to the grieving family and friends and urges anyone who is suffering through any trauma or harassment to ask for help.