Miss Universe 2019 Delegates from Europe

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Birta Abiba Porhallsdottir Miss Universe Iceland 2019 for Miss Universe 2019
Birta Abiba Porhallsdottir Miss Universe Iceland 2019 for Miss Universe 2019

Birta Abiba is 20 years old has written a full-length novel and aspires to be a successful International author one day. She is an active volunteer with the Icelandic Red Cross Study Aid program as a tutor for children ages 6-16 who teaches English and Icelandic language etc. A beauty of mixed race, she has been a victim of racism since she was a kid and has been discriminated against due to her skin color. But these negative experiences pushed Birta to better herself and fight on behalf of all the people who are victims of discrimination, especially her fellow biracial kids. “Everyone is beautiful no matter how they look on the outside. It doesn’t matter what color you have, its just who the inner person is”, the beauty queen stated in one of her interviews.