Anais Lacalmontie was crowned Miss World Guadeloupe 2019 as she became the official delegate of Guadeloupe at Miss World 2019. The diva is a criminal law student. She opted for the subject because she believes that men created society to feel safer because together, we are stronger and in order to protect the society the laws are needed. And for her, studying law is to studying how to protect the society. What she finds fascinating in law is that as the society is in constant evolution and so is the law. The law moves with the society. So, the diva chose criminal law in order to help the society. The diva’s BWAP project talks about the Sickle cell disease which is a group of inherited blood disorders caused by the presence of hemoglobin S in red blood cells. Anais’ cousin suffered from this disease. The diva so wants to support the people suffering from this and wants to give away the message of ‘I CARE’. She wants the world to also know and to say that they care. The diva is well passionate about her causes and her project. She is also very enthusiastic about Miss World 2019 competition. She will definitely leave a noteworthy mark.