Miss Earth India 2016 Meet the Contestants

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Ankita Ajit Thite for Miss Earth India 2016
Ankita Ajit Thite for Miss Earth India 2016

Next finalist is the 24 years old, gorgeous beauty queen Ankita Ajit Thite. A model by profession, Akita has many achievements in her kitty. She was the winner of Miss NDA 2009, a marathoner who runs barefoot for environmental causes and many more. Her ambition in life is to be able to influence and educate as many as possible who will help her make Mother Earth a Greener and a better place to live. She even wants to dedicate a week of Vehicle-free Earth.

Her environmental advocacy includes, “I believe we are the children of Mother Earth and we need to protect and preserve it. It is a vicious cycle and i advocate for keeping the environment clean and waste-free by adopting 5 R's for a Greener Earth : Reduce, Reuse , Recycle , Renew and Respect”.