Miss Earth India 2016 Meet the Contestants

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Apoorva Kumarley for Miss Earth India 2016
Apoorva Kumarley for Miss Earth India 2016

The 24-years old Apoorva Kumarley is an advocate by profession. Her life goals are to be an animal advocate, an environmentalist and to win the crown back for her country. She also wishes to start a drive against animal cruelty; opening an animal shelter for them and even wishes to join UN someday. Her message on saving girl child is, “Let your daughter grow; be her friend not her foe” and her message for ‘Green, Waste Free India’ is, “Environment is a mutual interest; Please do not take it for granted”.

Her Environmental advocacy includes, “Apart from tree plantation, I am planning on making people understand the concept of sustainable development, and how important it is to make our actions count. I would be explaining them the importance of going green and how it would be favouring us, the future generation and the animals that are on the verge of extinction”.