Miss Earth India 2016 Meet the Contestants

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Priyanka Shinde for Miss Earth India 2016
Priyanka Shinde for Miss Earth India 2016

Priyanka Shinde is the next finalist of Miss Earth India 2016. Priyanka, 19, is a student and hails from Bangalore, Karnataka. She aspires to achieve the best in life! She says, “To achieve the best I can do in life. Keep myself happy and the people around me happy. Build my self confidence and create a name in the society and make it big in life!!”

To promote the protection of Earth, she says, “Start up an indigenous project about a selected problem in the environment work towards finding the various mishaps because of the particular problem and start off with, projects to solve the difficulties of the people affected by these natural problems and merge with big international firms for the globalisation of solution to the natural problem”.