Miss Earth India 2016 Meet the Contestants

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Tanwi Ravi Dixit for Miss Earth India 2016
Tanwi Ravi Dixit for Miss Earth India 2016

The 22 years old Tanwi Ravi Dixit is a Microbiologist and hails from Pune. Her ambition is to make a change in the society that we live in and leave her mark in her own little way. She wants to be successful and achieve something which people remember her by.

Her environmental advocacy includes a lot of things. It says, “1. The three point rule of reduce, reuse and recycle. I will start with this on an individual level, where in I will reduce my use of plastics and also reduce wastage of water. I will try to reuse waste water for other purposes and kitchen waste to prepare manure.I will recycle everything right from glass and plastic to clothes and jewellery. I will try to include everyone I know in this project and also try to spread this way of life to more and more people.

2. I will prepare an organic garden of my own. I will grow my own fruits and vegetables using natural compost prepared by using kitchen waste from my home. This garden will be totally free of chemicals and pesticides. I will try to convince more and more people to have organic gardens of their own”.