Miss Earth India 2016 Meet the Contestants

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Ridima Sangtani for Miss Earth India 2016
Ridima Sangtani for Miss Earth India 2016

Ridima Sangtani, 22 years old beauty queen is a Model, Dance Choreographer and Zumba Instructor. Her ambition in life is to make a name for her in this world by being an ambassador of India and represent it in a glorious way internationally. She wants to serve this society and spread happiness all around.

Her environmental advocacy includes, “The best way to support the environment lies in 3R's- Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. I, by following it personally, want to inspire others to do the same. By avoiding plastic, using public transport, segregating the waste materials before dumping, controlling the usage of water, switching off the lights before leaving the home, these small acts can go a long way in helping the environment”.